Enhance Your Professional Skin Care Services
If you have been running a body care salon for a long time, you probably have outdated equipment. That’s why it’s time to get new equipment, which should include a Radio frequency Machine.
With this machine you will improve your professional services. This machine can provide you with non-invasive skin tightening treatments on all areas of the body. Using this machine, you can achieve excellent results for your clients when it comes to tightening the neck and face, as well as the area around the stomach and upper arms. These are the parts of the body where the sagging of the skin is visible and therefore it needs tightening. Radiofrequency treatments can help shape the entire body.
The principle of operation of this machine is based on the fact that radio waves produce certain heat, which encourages the skin to produce more collagen and elastin. The treatment is very simple, you only need to apply the appropriate gel and use the wand to pass over a certain area on the body. Since this is a non-invasive method, many clients will accept it, as recovery is not required after it. The entire process duration depends on the surface that the client wants to treat, but generally ranges from 30 to 90 minutes.
This is a safe and effective anti-aging treatment for different parts of the body, so you will have many more clients if you get this machine.
If you have a salon for body and face care, and you still don’t have a machine to help clients with skin tightening, it’s time to get a Radio frequency Machine, which will allow you to perform this type of treatment.